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With advancing digitalization and new technologies, the importance of the so-called STEM subjects—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—is increasing, as is the demand for skilled professionals in these fields. Additionally, research, technology, and innovation (RTI) contribute significantly to prosperity and quality of life in Austria, a country of innovation. RTI is thus seen as a solution to societal challenges, ranging from the COVID-19 crisis and climate change to the aging population and youth unemployment. Despite numerous initiatives and individual efforts, Austria still faces the challenge of having too few young professionals in the STEM sector. The shortage of skilled workers is not a new phenomenon in Austria, but more regional cooperation is needed to better harness the strengths of individual initiatives.

For this reason, the federal government is now promoting the development of STEM regions across the country, with the goal of sustainably strengthening Austria's position as a center of science and industry through a new generation of skilled professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

The STEM Regions Service Hub will bring established regional networks into the spotlight, award them with a STEM Regions label, and present them on this nationwide STEM Regions portal.

Phone: +43-1-501 75 -575

Program Director: Monika Vuong-Tu
Media & Communication: Clara Floß
Events: Christina Rose:
Department Head: Vanja Bernhauer

LinkedIn Group: Network of STEM Regions Austria

The STEM Regions Service Hub

The „Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH“ acts as the STEM Service Hub for the regions and sees itself as the nationwide support for all initiatives in the individual STEM regions.

The STEM Regions Service Hub:

  • Provides the service of nationwide networking and support activities for the STEM coordination offices in the federal states.
  • Acts as an advisory and supportive hub for the STEM regions.
  • Enables nationwide visibility of all STEM regions and thus all STEM initiators in the country through the STEM Regions Portal.
  • Supports and facilitates the networking of STEM activities, including the establishment and management of the "Network of STEM Regions Austria" group on LinkedIn.
  • Showcases various STEM projects through networking events, the STEM Regions Portal, and the LinkedIn group.
  • Certifies STEM regions through an annual competition with a STEM Regions Quality Label.
  • Organizes the awarding of the STEM Regions Quality Label by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research.

The contracting authority and partners

The commissioning body for this new initiative is the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research. As the commissioning body, the BMBWF provides financial support and aids in the implementation of the STEM Action Plan, with the STEM Regions being the first line of action.

The partners oft he initiative are „Industriellen Vereinigung“, the „OeaD“, „Austria Wirtschaftsservice“ and „MINTality Foundation".

As a partner, the Federation of Austrian Industries provides support in identifying and establishing contact with technology companies, as well as with STEM kindergartens and schools. They also serve as a network partner in politics and administration at both federal and state levels (including through regional groups of the Federation).
OeAD supports collaboration between research and educational institutions, assists in finding partners, and offers networking, exchange opportunities, and further training.
The MINTality Foundation provides support and networking in the area of STEM and girls' education through guidance, good practice sharing, and co-creation.